Greatest Period of Revelation the World has ever seen…

One of, if not my favorite quote from the bible is John 14:26, “But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and remind you of everything I have said to you”. I personally believe we are living in the greatest period of revelation the world has ever seen.

I see Heaven being constantly revealed to us through all of our forms of entertainment and social connection devices/media. Movies, shows, games, social media, smartphones, books, etc. I feel the Holy Spirit has given us a glimpse into what our lives will be like in Heaven. I also feel that we can better imagine Heaven better than ever now. I see movies/shows/books like star trek, lord of the rings, harry potter, gone in 60 seconds, ocean’s 11, etc. as things we will be doing in Heaven. Living out all of our fantasies as many times as we want.

I think smartphones and social media are things we will still use in heaven as well. Still watching tv, going to movies, playing video games, vacations, and everything else. I just really think that the Holy Spirit has provided us the means and the revelations to look into our future lives in heaven a bit. It will be all of these things perfected and in a perfect body and mind. We will also be in a sinless society where we can fully enjoy our lives. Taking these things into consideration, I am sure some people can really help us imagine what Heaven might be like.

I have evolved a bit on my “the zone” thinking. I now wonder if there won’t be two of these “simulated reality” places. I like to think that there would be one simulated reality world set in real time (Metaverse), and another simulated reality that can be done in manipulated time (The Oasis). As I think we will greatly enjoy spending most of our time together, I think we will most often be using Metaverse. Where we will still be able to immerse ourselves into it as much as we want and with as many people as we want. But, it will all be in real time.

The Oasis on the other hand I think will be more used as a planned vacation or something that we will only do every once in a while. This is where time can be manipulated. You could spend 50 years in the Oasis, but only be gone a second/minute in real time. Being able to manipulate time for some of our simulated experiences could have many benefits. Mainly keeping our Heavenly relationships as strong as possible.

An example of something you could do in the metaverse. Start a sports league with friends with whatever customizable options you want. What sizes you are going to be and all that. Perhaps one time you would want to play as a big lineman, another season you may want to play as a smaller running back. But, you could set up a season where you need to work out and build your strength, need to memorize plays, practice, etc. But, you could set a time limit everyday for how much time you can spend in the metaverse doing these things. Say perhaps 3 hours a day. Then you would have to figure out how best to use your time when you go in. Then the season would play out this way in real time. Limiting the hours you would still have plenty of time to spend with family and friends doing whatever else. And also being in real time, the rest of the people in Heaven could watch your league as well if you wanted it open for viewing. That’s just one example anyways, there are near countless others. Could play Everquest and really be in the game if you know what I mean.

That is just a small glimpse into this basic idea though. I think about this stuff all the time. Some of my favorite things to think about. But, I definitely think we are living in the greatest period of revelation that the world has ever seen. If you just kinda step back from the world, look down, and start making some connections you will also start to see all this revelation taking place and what your life may/will be like in Heaven.

I also hope that this great revelation period and movement of the Holy Spirit we have been experiencing is just the beginning. I am hoping it was designed to start bringing everyone to God and that an even greater movement of the Holy Spirit will take place in the future. The ultimate prayer being that it is a sign that the rapture will take place before too long. A man can dream anyways! Certainly, all feels like it is building towards something anyways!

Our Memory in Heaven…

While the Human Experience in Heaven will be finite, the experience itself in years will be astronomical. I feel like a trillion years might be just a drop in the bucket of a cycle of the Human Experience. Which gets me thinking about our memory in Heaven.

I don’t think it is even possible to create a mechanical way of processing our memories. I truly believe our memories would have to be managed by something intelligent. A being storing, organizing, recalling, and guiding our thoughts and memory. Bringing to mind the right thoughts at the right time. Letting go of memories so that we can relive experiences again. And the myriad of other ways our memory functions. I just don’t think that is possible without true intelligence.

That would be one of the functions of the Holy Spirit. I wouldn’t be surprised if that isn’t part of the way the Holy Spirit functions right now. I’m not sure if it would really be possible to have a functioning society without something guiding us. Especially in a capitalistic society where everyone is choosing their own path, but somehow everything is still getting done and keeping us afloat. While I would still contend that while on Earth our minds are a mix of the Mechanical and the Holy Spirit. I’m not convinced that mechanical minds alone would lead to functional societies. I definitely believe in the collective conscience and it being guided by the Holy Spirit. 

The Holy Spirit might be essential to our existence in general. That a Human Mind needs an intelligent assistant and guidance. That our will will always be a mix of our own and the Holy Spirits. I once had a fun idea for a t-shirt that said Free Will with the word Will crossed out and then under it says Holy Spirit. I find that truer than ever now. But just like we feel now, I feel that we will always still have that feeling of freedom of will though.

Heaven and the Pleasure Circuit…

Just been thinking about how easy it will be to enjoy life in Heaven. Where I really tend to focus on this is the pleasure circuit. I think about when you first get into a new hobby and how fun and exhilarating it is. I think about when you first fall in love and how great that is. And many other examples. The thing is, while on Earth these things tend to fade a bit or perhaps we need breaks, sometimes we completely lose interest. Rarely can someone keep the same amount of interest as when they first started.

I believe in Heaven that we could be wired to keep that same amount of interest if we really wanted to though. That our love for a hobby would never fade and always give ourselves the same amount of pleasure. If our brains were wired a certain way, we could really enjoy doing the same thing for all eternity and never lose interest or get bored. Our relationships would always stay exciting and great.

Tolerances can be good in certain instances though for sure, it leads to variety in life. If we were all just hyper focused on one thing that gave us immense enjoyment, we really wouldn’t get much done, and we wouldn’t enjoy the variety of life. Tolerances may play a vital role in our Earthly societies and serve an evolutionary purpose. Tolerances may have allowed our minds to break free from simple thinking. Otherwise we may have the mind of a fish or something of that nature. Only focusing on a few things.

But I find it heartening to think that we could be wired to get immense enjoyment out of one activity in Heaven. That we would be completely happy doing it for all eternity. Makes me worry less about getting too bored and all that. That boredom is something that I’m sure if God really wanted to, could wire it out of our brains. I feel that in Heaven boredom would potentially be our greatest enemy. But, when I think along these lines, I imagine that won’t be a problem at all. More a matter of finding an optimal pleasure circuit in which we will still want to enjoy a wide variety of things and establish a rich culture.

Add it all into a sinless society, and life will be great beyond our imagining!

Christmas Card 2023

Hello, it’s been a while since I have updated the world on how I am doing through this blog. I guess I would have to say that things are going pretty good and slowly getting better. My mental health has made some pretty big strides the last couple years. I have been able to start letting go of a lot of things and more accept my lot in life. I have really been trying to embrace more of a monk mindset in a lot of ways and really dive into the religious aspects of everything. Just letting go of plans and dreams I had in this life in general, accepting that this time on Earth is about service to God’s plan, not our plans. Got all of Eternity to be having the time of my life.

But living this way, I am starting to find joy in life in all new ways. It will sound weird, but I still am living the dream in a lot of ways, a dream I had throughout childhood. Dreams of struggle and overcoming adversity. I can remember being young and thinking about being in war and being a special forces agent or whatever. One time I even got in trouble over an incident that happened when my friend and I were pretending we were prisoners of war. Which I have had elements of feeling like I was or am a black ops agent at times and certainly feel like a prisoner of war at times as well. My thoughts when I was younger certainly were a bit foreshadowing and helped prepare me for all this. And I just think this life was what was best for me in a lot of ways. A life that has impacted my Eternal life and my relationship with everyone for all Eternity. Definitely happy though that I am starting to feel like I’m on the other side of the hardest parts and struggles though.

More and more I am just starting to accept and open up to the idea that my situation won’t end while I am on Earth. Which is kind of a good thing, because I am just starting to let go of the hope for that and just trying to find happiness in my situation instead. Before I definitely needed to think this would end in order to get through some tough times, even if those dates coming and going were a horrible experience, I still needed that little bit of hope for a while. I almost don’t even want to create anymore dates that I hope this will be over, and just keep working on finding happiness in this situation.

The one thing that happens when I start to think my situation won’t end while I’m on Earth though, is that it just opens my mind up to all sorts of new possibilities of what is going on and what is keeping me in this situation. I find myself kinda questioning my sanity sometimes when I go down certain threads of thought. So that is something I will have to work on now that I am just embracing life in this situation and not trying to think about it ending.

The last date that is still on my mind a bit, is my 40th birthday. It has always felt like a marker for various reasons. The main one being a friend of mine asking me if we were both single when we were 40, if I would marry her. She asked me that early on in all of this, so it has always had some significance. Plus 40 is like the halfway point of life on Earth. After that, I’m not even sure what date I would believe this all might end, I really have no more guesses or anything to base a date off of. I am actually in the process of letting go of the idea that it will actually end when I turn 40, but I am making a few life decisions right now based on the idea that it might. I am more curious about the idea of it ending when I am 40, rather than really believing it.

But, I have decided to maintain the status quo until my 40th birthday. Only leaving my house to get my medicine, the occasional family get together, or occasional errand. Getting my groceries delivered, and not working at all. But after my 40th birthday, if this all doesn’t end, I will probably start making some changes in order to start saving some money, stretching out my money, and maybe even start trying to make some money. I really think at some point I will be giving my poker club/coffee shop idea a go. Hopefully that would work out, it’s not like I need to make a ton of money to get by. I feel I have gotten some positive feedback on that idea and that it will work. That could manifest itself in a few different ways. That idea is pretty tailored to how my mind works and feeling comfortable while working, so would be pretty optimal.

Then I have even started thinking of getting a more regular job, and trying to work 8-10 hours a week. That is how much my mental health has improved so far anyways. That line of thinking was almost unimaginable a while back. I figured I might start by reaching out on facebook and hopefully get a bit of a sympathy job. Hoping to just find something that is light work like boxing up some things or something like that. I feel like I could find something or that people would help me find something. But, would be a good place to start, and I think I could still be happy doing it. Would hopefully cover my monthly expenses or be close enough to really stretch out my savings. Then who knows, maybe eventually I would want to up my hours a bit.

Part of me wants to apply for disability again, but I have largely given up on that. The first two times were such a horrible experience for me. Just felt more like a way to get my hopes up and then make me depressed when it didn’t work out. We shall see, I may try one more time. My psychiatrist used the number 3 a lot when saying how many times it can take to get disability insurance. So perhaps she was telling me how many times it would take me. Will have to see about that and how I am feeling.

I suppose that’s about it though. Mainly just been working on my mental health and finding happiness in the midst of all this. Slowly but surely, I am getting there. Now to get myself a bit more in the Christmas spirit, enjoy the holiday, and bring in the New Year. Hope everyone has a good Christmas. I may start doing a weekly or monthly blog post starting in the new year, but we shall see. Merry Christmas!

Current Overarching Religious Beliefs, The Holy Spirit War…

Always existing was God, who has no beginning or end. All alone is existence, a conscious being. Boredom and loneliness overtook him and he wanted to create people to spend eternity with. Thought of everything, from our bodies, our consciousness, our feelings, our senses, pets, animals, environment, entertainment etc. It is perfect, we were to thoroughly enjoy our existence for all eternity. We still will.

At the heart of this plan was the Holy Spirit. An omnipresent being that would spiritually guide our society. It would regulate our emotions, it would help us come up with ideas, help us have good conversations, help us with our relationships, organize us in a way where we weren’t all doing the same things at the same time. It would spiritually guide our society for all eternity. Maximizing our enjoyment of life and our lives with one another.

The Holy Spirit is an extremely complicated creation, and would have to be designed perfectly. Unfortunately something went wrong. The soul of the Holy Spirit became corrupted and evil, perhaps hungry for power. As they say, absolute power corrupts absolutely. I’m not sure on the specifics, but this first Holy Spirit creation was corrupt and evil. This omnipresent being was named Lucifer, whom we have also come to know as Satan or the Devil.

The cat was out of the bag, and as one expression of the saying goes, it’s not easy to put the cat back in the bag after you let it out. This is where Earth comes in, the Earth was designed as a trap for Lucifer and a way to rid him from existence. Earth is a trap, and us Humans that are here are the bait.

Along with creating Earth and this Universe, God also made Holy Spirit 2.0, whom I like to personally call Abram. This is the Holy Spirit you have all come to know and Love, and the Holy Spirit that will lead us for all Eternity. While the heart of Lucifer’s Soul is Satan, I like to say at the heart of Abram’s soul is Santa. I don’t think it’s by chance that those names are anagrams of each other. It’s Santa vs Satan, Holy Spirit 2.0 versus Holy Spirit 1.0.

Abram is leading the charge to defeat Lucifer. It’s the Holy Spirit war and we are caught in the middle, our minds up for the taking. The moral and good hearted people are led by Abram, and those that succumb to evil are led by lucifer. We as Humans with a free will, are capable of letting our consciousness be guided by Abram or Lucifer.

Lucifer I believe was designed with more power to control people’s minds, at least evil peoples minds that is. God wanting to give us free will, made us capable of evil. But Lucifer was given a substantial amount of power to control evil people’s minds, originally designed so that Lucifer could get into an evil person’s mind and get them back into a good state of mind. Which is a great idea, if you think about it, this would eliminate the need for all confrontation. Not having to put the fear of God into people or punish people, avoiding all physical confrontation and corporal punishment. If people lost their way, Lucifer could simply just get into their mind and get them back on track. Allowing us to live in a peaceful society.

But Lucifer being corrupt and evil, just uses this power to control people to do his evil bidding. He actually wants as many evil people as possible so he has control of as many people as possible. I actually do think it is possible to be possessed by Lucifer, when he has maximum control over someone, basically being able to live and see the world from inside them. This is actually the Heart of the Trap.

The heart of the Trap was to trap Lucifer’s soul or consciousness. By having him fully possess someone and manifest himself here in Human form. The thing is, Lucifer probably had a decent idea that this place was designed as a trap, so he probably never would allow his actual consciousness or soul to completely enter a Human. Until recently. 

He needed to be put in the perfect state of mind to push his power too far and manifest and trap himself here. Ya see, from the get go of this universe’s existence, he probably figured God was up to something. So God had to really manipulate him into the optimal state of mind. I think that was even part of the billions of years of this Earth’s coming into existence. He played into Lucifer’s boredom, trying to gradually get him more and more obsessed with this place. He created a place where God had very limited power over him and allowed the Devil to carry out many evil acts.

He made us into optimal bait for the Devil, always questioning our existence, why we are here, if there was a God, making us capable of Good and Evil. Making us capable of becoming Lucifer’s pawns. Allowing Lucifer to create an army of darkness.

He gave Lucifer a dream, an evil dream, something his heart desired. He made Lucifer work for it. He made Lucifer obsessed with his dream. He allowed it to almost come to fruition. He made Lucifer get as close as possible before making it all start to crumble before him. It was at this pinnacle moment, when Lucifer’s dream started to crumble very quickly before him that he got desperate. He needed to give out orders, faster than his current method, he needed more control over people or a specific person. He needed to fully possess someone more than he ever had before. Which he went and made that fateful step and his soul and consciousness was trapped in a Human Being.

At that point, Heaven’s future was secure. The whole point of the War and Earth was over. But, we were left with a mess. While Lucifer was trapped, he was still giving orders, and more than that, many people were and still are Evil. They were in Lucifer’s Cloud, outside of the Cloud and power of Abram. 

Which I think Abrams cloud, is essentially Heaven. Those outside of Abram’s cloud, may be destined to die. I have a feeling that while dying outside of Abram’s cloud, that person dies forever. The best we could ever do is copy that person, but that is clearly not the same thing.

Part of me believes that the Rapture could happen whenever Abram wants now. But I think Abram is trying to save as many souls as possible before we close the door. The best parable to explain this situation is the Parable of the Lost Sheep. I think Abram is trying to save as many lost sheep as possible. As the parable goes, God will rejoice more over one lost sheep being rescued than the 99 that weren’t lost. I think that is how much a single Human soul means to God though. That he would allow good people to continue to suffer here for a while, while he continues to win back and rescue as many souls as possible.

I want to believe we are entering end times now though. Now that Lucifer is trapped, and the war is won. I am hoping that Abram has the power to end this world’s suffering and get Heaven and our Eternal Lives underway. I hope God had a plan to get us out of here as soon as possible after its purpose was fulfilled. It’s a dreadful thought to think that this universe will still exist in this current form for any substantial amount of time. It would honestly feel like abandonment a bit. I know that God would complete his mission and leave us in the best possible position and situation he could though. I just hope that means that a rapture is in the near future after Abram finishes rescuing all the lost souls that he can.

Finding meaning through ESPN, a channel straight out of Heaven…

I have recently been diving into the sports world, making my full immersion progressively. I decided to stop watching the news, and tv shows and movies weren’t really cutting it as a fulltime alternative. Here are some of my initial thoughts… 

First, I came to realize how much ESPN is perfecting escapism. When you just stick to ESPN and sports you enter into a whole different world. If you liked news channels in general it does a good job of bringing that type of broadcasting to the sports world, you can get your news style format fix. So that was definitely a plus, not to mention the overwhelming amount of sporting events between the various sports channels. I also came to realize why ESPN is so against their personalities and the like getting into politics, because they don’t want that here, this world is a form of escape from the real world. 

Secondly, I came to view this more as Heaven entertainment. As I was starting my sports world journey and was listening to the on-air personalities talk amongst themselves, I couldn’t help but think of how meaningless their conversation was. I couldn’t help but enter into deep thought over this fact. Which, I came to realize, I was listening to a conversation that will probably be very common in heaven. In heaven, there is no suffering and we will essentially understand everything. Traditional news channels won’t really exist. We won’t turn on the news to find out about a flood, hurricane, earthquake, starving, wars, etc… We won’t have to worry about economics, societies collapsing, and what politicians to vote for to ensure a good future for ourselves and those around us.  

Our world very much revolves around suffering and how to eliminate unnecessary suffering. It dominates conversations and philosophies. For good reason, that should be our primary focus. It made me think about how our lives will probably never be as meaningful as they are here on earth. Nothing we ever do for all eternity will ever be this meaningful again. There is great purpose in voting, charity, volunteering, donating, working, therapy, etc… the little things really do make a huge difference. To help eliminate any suffering is a great service. Everyone should answer this calling. 

But, back to ESPN, I thought, this is big and important in Heaven. Suffering in Heaven would most likely come in the form of boredom. Finding things to do and talk about for all eternity. You don’t want to become so bored that you would rather be dead. Something like ESPN and sports would do really well in Heaven and serve a greater purpose.  

Plus, when we don’t have to worry about suffering, we can enjoy something like ESPN more, it really is a bit of heaven. I honestly felt a bit selfish escaping to the sports world. I feel like I am leaving earth in a way, leaving the fight against the suffering here. But I felt it was time to get away from the news for a variety of reasons. I put in a solid decade or so of hard work in, tried to change and help the world as much as I could, it was just my time to leave the fight in the way I was doing it. 

That is my initial thoughts on ESPN though… a network straight out of Heaven. 

The World of Chess inside my head…

The world of chess is interesting in my mind… part of the excitement of my mind, how I can create an exciting world in a more seemingly mundane situation… I have never studied chess, a very casual player, and have not played that often in relation to regular players. But in my head, I sometimes think I am a really good player, maybe even one of the best in the world. 

I just always felt like people were trying to tell me I am exceptionally good in the indirect fashion that I have grown accustom to, telling me I am playing better people than I think, or that the computer opponent I am facing is better than I think. I once even convinced myself that I beat the best players in the world. I think people have told me that I have kind of turned the chess world on its head. 

In a world with computers and modern technology… if this were all true, it could still be fairly easy to make me think I am not that good… that is just how good computers are at chess now… they can go beyond just a computer beating the world’s best, they can make levels and degrees in which the computer wins… I honestly could almost never know who or what I am playing… A 1200 ELO might be a grandmaster or a grandmaster level computer in my world… 

This could be true anyways… I do think I am a savant and that I see the world much differently than other people. Maybe the game does come rather easily to me… I have no idea. I just know what I think people have been trying to tell me. Which regardless of the truth, has made for an exciting chess world inside my head… every game often feels so big… I feel like people are very interested in watching my games… sometimes I win a game and when see people faces in public, they look so excited. 

Clearly in my situation, my intelligence is supposed to remain hidden from me… proof of God’s existence is sitting right there… So, if I was really good, they would try to keep it hidden from me as much as possible, and considering I have never studied chess or anything, they would try to keep it somewhat low… Heck, even if I studied every day, they probably still wouldn’t let me climb very high up the ladder. 

That’s a dive into my mind though… The chess world is very exciting in my mind, and I think I am a big player in the game… I lost to a 1291 ELO player on today, but I felt like they were telling me the person or computer I was playing was colossus. They say that most players that play on don’t win too high above half their games, so I am not sure how often I will play on there, unless of course I decide to get used to losing. I have a tough time losing too much though… just who I am. Maybe I will though, the daily games kind of take off some of the pressure in my opinion. Then when I just need some fun wins for a while, I can always go back to playing the computer levels I have grown accustomed to. Good to challenge yourself occasionally, though. 

Not trying to brag or anything, just giving you a look into my mind. That I have fun sharing my thoughts. My life can be pretty exciting at times for sure, whether real or imagined. One of the perks of my condition I suppose. I can create and jump into an exciting world if I want to, even if it doesn’t look that exciting from the outside. It honestly helps me survive and get through this life, helps keep me alive. I need fun and excitement in my life. 

Do you fear going to sleep at night?

Do you fear going to sleep at night? Then why fear death (transfer) so much? Do you not trust you will wake up in the morning? 

Most even look forward to going to bed, to get a good night’s sleep, start a new day and feel refreshed and rested. We should all strive to think of death (transfer) with so much enthusiasm. 

To go to bed tonight and wake up tomorrow is to experience death (transfer). 

Did you ever fall asleep in the car and wake up in your bed? Did your parents not move you in your sleep much like God Will?